Why an Automated Confrontation Field Test Is a Must for Accurate Diagnosis?
automated confrontation field test is a way to measure your visual field, or
how much you can see to each side while focusing your eyes on a central point
(peripheral vision). Conducting a visual field test is called perimetry.
measure of your visual function is to read letters on a visual acuity chart.
This is a measure of your central vision and is the most critical part of your
vision. However, that is only one a measure of your visual function. Another
aspect is your overall visual field, sometimes referred to as peripheral
vision. Although many people mistake it as simply a peripheral vision test, an
automated confrontation field tester is actually designed to measure the
overall field of vision as it is interpreted by the brain in four neurological
quadrants. Different parts of your brain control different parts of your visual
field. Results of an automated confrontation field tester can sometimes help
physicians made a diagnosis.
Measuring Your Visual Field using
Automated Confrontation Field Tester
are different ways to conduct a visual field examination but testing via
automated confrontation field tester is the most effective way to measure the
four quadrants of a visual field. This is the most common way used to measure
confrontation neurologic visual fields. Both ophthalmologist and optometrists
use automated confrontation field tester to perform confrontation visual fields
during a comprehensive eye examination. It is performed by having the doctor or
technician sits at the center with the patient.
using automated confrontation field tester, one eye is covered. The other eye
focuses directly on the technician’s eye and either one, two or four fingers
are held in each of the four quadrants. The patient is not allowed to move their
eye or look at the fingers but must respond with how many fingers the
technician is holding up. After all four quadrants are tested, the other eye is
a visual field deficit is discovered with the finger counting method, or if the
physicians suspect visual field changes; a more formal method will be used
called automated perimetry. An automated confrontation field tester is a
computerized instrument that measures the field with different lights of
different sizes and brightness. An automated confrontation field tester is able
to conduct several different types of field tests in a standardized fashion.
Automated Confrontation Field
threshold test measures an individual’s just barely detectable vision and
quantifies how sensitive a patient may or may not be of detecting points that
are considered normal. These maps of visual sensitivity are very important in
diagnosing diseases of the visual system. Different patterns of visual loss are
found with diseases of the eye, optic nerve central nervous system.
Abnormal Visual Field Test without
Automated Confrontation Field Test Ensures:
ü Glaucoma
ü Diabetes
ü High
Blood Pressure
ü Multiple
ü Optic
Nerve Glioma
ü Hyperthyroidism
ü Pituitary
Gland Disorders
ü Central
Nervous System Problems, such as a tumor that is compressing one of the visual
parts of your brain
a visual field defect is detected, doctors will usually repeat the test a
couple of times to confirm the results. An automated confrontation field tester
gives the result fast. However, the results are somewhat dependent upon the
test taker. Once a person has completed at least one test, they usually perform
better the second time around. Final assessments are usually not made until
after the patient has repeated the test at least twice and sometimes even a
third time. Because automated confrontation field testing units also have a
computer in them, the reliability of the test can be tracked. Certain
statistics are calculated to rule out user error and give the doctor some
measure of reliability.
ready to receive promising visual field testing results! Buy automated
confrontation field tester from Foresight International! For more details;
visit the official site or comment below to get answered!
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