Color Fixation Sticks from The Foresight International Group! | Best approach to improve your eyesight!
Searching for Color Fixation Sticks? Buying from The Foresight International Group is the best method for testing near the point of convergence, vergences, etc. These sticks are ideal for keeping child’s attention during eye assessments. Purchasing Color Fixation sticks from The Foresight International Group is the best method to test the convergence of your eyes. Comprehend your Color Fixation Sticks! Each color fixation sticks in the set of three enclose four details pictures giving a child plenty to look at. There is a lot of details to talk about an eye for, such as the color of a balloon, how many ducks you see, what does the clown do, etc. Additionally, there are 2 rows of letters as well as two-reduced sizes Foresight International. The new line of the color fixation sticks provides a series of detailed accommodation-stimulation targets for the young patient. The targets are calibrated for near positions. The set of fixation sticks consists of three extremely ...