Amblyopia Rock Cards for superior visual testing! | The Foresight International Group

Amblyopia rock cards set consists of six new vision therapy products, procurable individually or as set these products are vision therapy activities designed for use with accommodate as well as ocular motor therapies. Most cards additionally integrate suppression controls to also work in anti-suppression therapy. The exercises and cards have been developed as well as tested in conjunction with a university based professor who is a vision therapy expert. The therapies are easy to administer as well as use by professionals and for follow up or else supplemental home use by the patient.

The accommodative activities are available in high contrast black and white with small font or else as red and green anti-suppression targets with varying acuity levels of idea for treating unilateral amblyopes as well as strabismics. The accommodative activities are designed to be accommodative demanding and interactive, keeping young patients engaged throughout the therapy.

The Foresight International Group’s Amblyopia rock cards set are designed to be much more interactive than other available cards or else card sets, helping significantly to attract as well as maintain young patient concentration as well as engagement in the therapy. The rock cards provide appropriate accommodative demand for various levels of acuity and providing anti-suppression utility ideas for Amblyopia or else intermittent strabismus.

Amblyopia Rock Cards

Amblyopia Rock Cards

What is Amblyopia?

It is a maldevelopment of the visual cortex during infancy or early childhood that leads to decreased central vision in the affected area. Left untreated, patients can have noteworthy visual mutilation that persists throughout life. The key to treatment success of Amblyopia is premature detection. Here the Amblyopia rock cards play an important role. The goal of rocking cards is vision screening to detect poor vision at a time when effective therapy can be initiated.
If you want to order rock cards from The Foresight International Group, then hurry up visit our official website now! We will deliver your product at your doorstep in minimum span of time.


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